Ezra's Debut Album is out now


Expanding the perspective of
college students to the potential life
of bi-vocation worship leadership


The Ezra Worship Initiative is a paid summer worship internship for college aged students with an interest in bi-vocational or full time music and worship leadership. The mission of Ezra is to develop musically gifted individuals into leaders who can serve with the pastor to shepherd the church in rich congregational worship.

Program Objectives

objective one

To recruit student worship leaders to a creative community of personal and spiritual development

Growing personally in Christ
Working and living with a team of other like-minded interns
Personal mentorship and spiritual development
Collaboration together on original music and ideas
Various intern community building events
End of internship evaluation and guidance
objective two

To provide rich theological instruction combined with hands-on experience in all areas of worship leadership and technology

On site experience with Decatur Presbyterian Church
Worship band and worship leadership participation
Musical and liturgical service planning with the pastors
Basic hands on experience with live stream and FOH mixing, lighting, camera, presentation, recording and multitrack software
Weekly class instruction with credit toward a Certificate of Worship from Birmingham Theology Seminary (BTS)
objective three

To provide an opportunity to serve the broader church and local community.

A one week international mission trip to the Dominican Republic
Meeting with other worship leaders and thinkers in ministry
Opportunity to serve other church and community ministries with music:  Vacation Bible School, Neighborhood Christian Center, Young Life leadership, College Community Bible Study

Intern Testimonial

"It’s hard to even begin to express my thanks for how the Ezra Worship Initiative blessed me this past summer. I came into this internship with little technical training, but a desire to learn. Not only did God provide me with many of the tools necessary for a life of worship ministry, but He gave me lifelong relationships with friends and mentors who I will cherish forever. I was put in a place with like-minded individuals who had the desire to grow in their faith and giftings, which created a wonderful learning and growing environment. We received training in musicianship, technology, leadership, and theology, which together gave us a well-rounded education and experience. Beyond all of the training, God drew me nearer to Him and made me fall more in love with the gospel. He grew not only my knowledge but also my desire for Him and His word. I am so excited to see what God has in store for the Ezra Worship Initiative in the future years, and I am so grateful to have been a part of it. To Him be the glory!"

Blair Dickson, 2022 Intern

The Ideal Candidate

Maintains a strong testimony of following Jesus Christ
Holds an interest in Christian ministry as a bi-vocational or full time calling
Desires to grow in his/her calling in Worship leadership
Is humble, teachable, dependable, creative, and able to work with a team
Is the age of a rising college sophomore, junior or senior
Supports the mission and vision of The Ezra Worship Initiative and the host church